Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Picked Up a Runaway

by: Holly Good, Assistant to Lysa TerKeurst
"My people have been lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray and caused them to roam on the mountains. They wandered over mountain and hill and forgot their own resting place."
Jeremiah 50:6 (NIV)
I picked up a young runaway one afternoon.

She was dirty, wore baggy sweat pants and a yellow sweatshirt, and had muddy feet. I was stopped at an intersection when she sauntered across the street right in front of my car.

I continued on when the light turned green.

But I could not get those bare feet out of my mind. Those muddy, bare feet.

Why was this young girl walking across a busy intersection with no shoes on in the middle of a school day? About a mile down the road I felt the Lord encouraging me to turn around and go find that girl with the bare feet.

It was a gentle, but direct nudge I could not refuse.

I found her several minutes later outside a convenience store with a cup of water in her hand. I pulled up, rolled down my window and said, "Hey, what’s going on with you?"

With little emotion she replied, "Oh nothing."

"Well…what are you doing? Can I take you home?" I offered.

"You can take me to my friend’s house," she answered.

"I’d rather take you home," I said. "Where do you live?"

"Well, I’m running away from home, so you can’t take me there," she said.

"Oh. Well, I would like to. Where do you live?" I asked again.

She eventually complied and trustingly got in my car. (Oh how my heart was pounding!)

My new friend Sarah was only in 8th grade, skipping school and leaving home because she got into an argument about friends with her parents. She had been gone for two days. The previous night she had slept outside.

I prayed for just the right words to come from my mouth with my fragile but captive audience of one, on the 20-minute ride to her house.

As I dropped Sarah off at her home, I prayed that the Lord would take over from there. I drove off and felt a peace in what He had led me to do that day.

It just so happened that a minor traffic accident had occurred around the corner as I was leaving. So I pulled over and told one of the officers about Sarah, hoping they could also help her in some way.

Find her. Stop her. Detain her. Guide her. Protect her. Save her.

As I prayed for my runaway friend in the days that followed, I realized that she is not much different from you and me. From a place we have journeyed or perhaps a place we are in right now.

Most of us have found ourselves running away at some point in our lives. Running from someone or something. Looking to escape.

Running, yet desperately hoping to be found.

She is lonely. She is angry. She feels betrayed. She feels misunderstood. She feels unloved. She is searching. She is confused. She is bitter. She wants to rest.

Oh my friend, I pray that you will have eyes to see, ears to hear and a place to finally find rest. For you are loved.

You are loved indeed.

Seek Him right now.
Dear Lord, thank You for loving me today and every day. I am grateful that You are bigger than all of my problems. Give me the courage and the wisdom to seek You today, regardless of my circumstances. I want to be found by You Lord. And give me a heart to be able to see and help others near me in need. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Recipe for Relationships

by: Micca Monda Campbell
"... he loved him as he loved himself."
1 Samuel 20:17b (NIV)

My mother use to tell me to count myself lucky if I had just one "close friend." That's because close life-long relationships are hard to come by.

So many people today are looking for meaningful relationships, yet so few actually find them. We are becoming an increasingly private society, and it seems fewer people than ever have life-long intimate friendships. Still, the desire for this kind of relationship is not only sought after, but necessary.

Women are naturally drawn to other women. In fact, a girl's first experience with heartache may have been over a lost "best friend" rather than a "boy friend." Women value friendships. When they are lost, we grieve; not just over the friendship itself, but also for the secrets shared, the trust given and the acceptance enjoyed. If betrayed, the pain runs deep causing us to wonder if intimate friendships are really possible.

When I think of a biblical example of real friendship, the story of David and Jonathan, found in 1 Samuel 19, always comes to mind.

Jonathan, son of King Saul, was David's closest friend. But his father, the king, despised David because he was growing in popularity and because God had anointed David to be king. These facts enraged King Saul, so much that he commanded his aids and Jonathan to assassinate David. But Jonathan loved David, therefore betrayal was impossible.

Love isn't the only fruit of true friendship. A real relationship consists of sacrifice too.

Jonathan stripped himself of the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his armor, his sword, his bow, and his belt. Jonathan was the potential heir to his father's throne, but we see him sacrificing his future for his best friend as he literally gave David his place as king.

You and I can learn from this action that true friendship means a willingness to sacrifice for each other in love. It's the ability to put another's needs, desires, and wishes above our own.

Loyalty is also a mark of true friendship. We're told that Jonathan went to his father and spoke well of David. Jonathan also stood up to his dad and essentially said, "Dad, you're wrong about David. He hasn't done any wrong to you; in fact, everything he's done has helped you." A true friend is a loyal defense before others, one who won't talk about you when you're not around. True friends stick up for each other.

Finally, intimate friends give each other complete freedom to be themselves. In an intimate friendship, you don't have to explain why you do what you do. You're just free to do it.

When Jonathan gave David the news that things were troubled in the palace and that his dad was going to kill him, the two were forced to say goodbye. The text tells us that they wept together.
When your heart is broken, you can bleed all over a friend like this and she'll understand. She won't try to dismiss your misery or tell you to straighten up. Intimate friends let each other hurt and they weep together. If your friend needs to talk it through, you will listen. Intimate friends don't bale; they stay. They allow you to be yourself no matter what "self" looks like in that moment.

If you're looking for a godly recipe for relationships, look no further. Mix together love, sacrifice, loyalty, and freedom and you can create an intimate friendship that lasts a lifetime.
Dear Lord, help me to be a friend like Jonathan. Then, bless me with the same. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, October 22, 2010


If a millionaire where to come up to you right now and say: "I will give you 400 thousand dollars, because I want to help you and I can write you off as charity on my taxes, so you will be helping me"...OR ...You came across what you think is a great business /a deal / an arrangement anything that will make you instant wealth, you think this is from God....we will most likely start jumping up and down. An answer to my prayers, finally: "Yes, thank you Lord, now I can pay that mortgage and I will not go into foreclosure; I can pay my car loan and they will not repossess it; and yes, Lord! I promise to help everyone of my family members or friends that are in need...and yes of course Lord! I have to take that long vacation, you know, I have been all stressed, and I will....and will...and will......" (and breath) You get the point......

I have news for you. It is not that easy, you see unless we stay close to the Lord and listen for His voice, we will not be alerted to the deception. Satan loves to try and counterfeit the things of God. He will always try to offer us an instant shortcut to the very destiny, the promises or blessings that God has for us, but without the trials, pain and testing that perfects our character.

YES!, God wants to bless us, but before He does this, we are to go through the process of perfecting our character and removing those things that are in the way. Let's examine ourselves right now, I can guarantee you that even though we think we are prepared; we are not prepared to receive the abundance from God. Because some of us will probably after receiving it will eventually forget where it came from, our character will change, we will become arrogant individuals...selfish...think we are better than anyone now....stop going to church...forget what we went get the point here also.

The hard part is choosing to wait, for there are no shortcuts in the kingdom of God. If we can't pass this little tests right now in our life, we will never pass the big ones. The wilderness temptations and tests are necessary to our character growth and development before God releases us into the things He has called us to do. The potential danger is that we disregard that little voice inside us that warns us of danger, simply because we deeply desire that situation or opportunity to be from God. That too, is part of the test. When we are in a test of our character, integrity and our responses, God will be silent until it's all over with. He is watching what we are doing, what we are saying, are we murmuring, gossiping, what is our attitude? You see developing trust is a two-way street. We learn to trust God, and at the same time, He learns just how much He can trust us and with how much. We may not always understand what God is doing or why, but I am here to tell you that we are ALL in the process right now. Yes, me too!

The reality of things is that the world is getting worst, it is not getting better. The economy, divorces, morality, wars you name it is happening. BUT the good news is that neither you or I have to partake in this if we stay in Him. We will always be protected, blessed living in abundance by God if we stay in Him, and allow Him to work with us and through us. Do you know that what we are facing right now is because God wants to show off through us? You see when He does something, He does it big! He likes to be notice and how else can it be done? He will use us to show the world who are His children who persevere trusting and waiting on Him, one with Him. Because, when the abundance of blessings finally comes you will be a light in the dark world that will stand out. They will know who is our God and who dictates our life, you will be a testimony to the unsaved lost world! Or did you really think that what is happening with the economy and in your life God can't prevent it? He is up to something!!!!

Ephesians 3:20-21 says, “Our God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or even think, according to
the power that works in us.” This power is our faith. Our faith in God. Children of God, lets stay in faith, pass the test, go through the process, let go of anything that hinders His presence in our life, allow Him to mold our character...and be in expectancy of what is coming our way from our Father!


We understand the reality that Jesus defeated Satan, giving us the victory for every thing we need in life. The blood of Jesus defeats the enemy every time! We often hear about how Jesus defeated the powers of the enemy through the work on the cross, and that is absolutely true..... However, Jesus actually defeated the enemy in the wilderness, even before the events of the crucifixion and resurrection occurred.

The enemy came with very strong temptations during those wilderness trials, and had Jesus succumbed to them, everything would have been different..... He went to hell for three days and took away from the enemy the keys of everything that belongs to us....Jesus gave all mankind the opportunity for victory over poverty, sin, sickness, death and more when He rose from the grave.... The real victory, however, was won in the wilderness, when Jesus overcame every temptation and His battle with the evil one. Be alert, keep your ears tuned to God, and your eyes on the cross because we, too, must defeat the enemy in our wilderness!

When you take a hit get back up and keep going. It's all part of the process. The times of testing and waiting on God can be rough, and tiring! But there is an expected end to all of it. James 5:11 tells us, "You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord - that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful."

It is by faith we receive from Him, for Jesus said, “According to your faith let it be unto you” (Matthew 9:29). He’s our God of more than enough, and if we are ever going to experience the fullness of His blessings in our lives, we must absolutely believe in His ability, and willingness, to bless us outrageously beyond our minds can ever imagine.

You may not quite understand yet, but the testimony is always greater than the test. When the tests are over, there is no more reason to delay the blessings. Hang in there, our God is up to something!


REVELATION to the Spirit of those that were asking about Jesus going to hell and taking the keys from the enemy:

Ephesians 4:8-10----This is why it says:“When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men.”
9What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.
The focal point for the word ascended and descended is the earth itself. In verse 9 it says that he descended to the lower earthly regions.

Revelation 1:17-18 : 17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
These scriptures indicate that Jesus was dead and is now alive, he also has the Keys of death and hell. We can see clearly that Jesus mission to destroy the power that the devil had over death was a success.

The word "Hades" & "Geenna" are the Greek words that we translate as Hell. In the Hebrew the word for Hell is "Sheol"



You've heard it a million times--- attitude is everything and indeed it is. What you believe definitely affects what you do.

Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE !.

If you want to change your situation and get on the road to success in every area of your life you must transform your mind. By renewing your mind, your life can be transformed into one of endless possibilities.. Becoming who God has destined you to be is a process--- day by day, little by little, issue by issue, reading His Word -- You can be free !!!!

Remember, there is no such thing as overnight success. For those who are successful, it is because of their diligence to refine themselves and their gifts. They were prepared for the "moment" when opportunity knocks.

Opportunity will knock but if it doesn't find a prepared vessel, it moves on in search of someone who is ready to be promoted. With that in mind, I encourage you to delight in the process of your transformation, taking it one day at a time. Set your mind, your will, your emotions and your attitude to receive all God wants to do for you. DO NOT accept any less...

He wrote the book of promises, claim each and everyone of them !...they are yours for the taking !

Now shoulders back, head up high...are you ready ?...... Now shout: All things are possible with God !

~ ~ ~* ~ ~ ~* ~ ~ ~ *~ ~ ~*~ ~ ~* ~ ~ ~* ~ ~ ~

Word of the Lord:

Romans 12:2 - "be transformed by the renewing of your mind".....

I Pet. 1:13 - "gird your minds for action......"

Jeremiah 32:27 ~ “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me ?”...


It's Never Too Late !!!

All of us have made some bad decisions in life. Often, God will let us experience the bumps in the road to our destiny. I know you have thought maybe it is too late, I've made too many mistakes....But realize that the bumps are designed to bring the flesh and the soul into a place of repentance, and reconciliation. God's love and grace keeps us on course because from God's perspective, it's never too late.

God is right in the mix with our destiny. He is not trying to figure out along the way what to do next, nor does God sleep or scratch his head wondering what to do with us.

"God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?." Number 23:19.

Nothing is too hard for God.We are the ones that set limitations in our minds of what He can do. Your age does not matter. He does not brake the plan after you reach a certain age in your life.

He has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

Jesus told us in Mark 9:23, "... If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth." And in Jeremiah 1:12, "...Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it."

You ought to jump up and shout when you read these scriptures. God loves us so much ! He confirms his promises to us over and over in the Word. What He said, He will do !.

Delay is not denial. I repeat nothing is impossible for God. No matter how many times you've messed up, or how many times you failed.

It's never too late !

*.-``*:-. .-``*:-. Your Secret Dreams !*.-``*:-. .-``*:-.

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart”(Psalm 37:4 ).

God knows the secrets in your heart. He knows every hidden dream because it was Him who placed them within you. He knows those things that you haven’t told anybody about. Maybe you thought they would never come to pass, or maybe you buried them because they didn’t happen on your timetable. Maybe, in the natural, you have every reason to give up on those dreams.

But I tell you ~ don’t give up ~ be encouraged today ! —God is still working behind the scenes! He still has a plan to bring those dreams to pass. ! Age is not an issue, because our time line is not the same as the Lords, remember He lives in Eternity. And in Eternity All things are done !....So, do what the verse says, and delight yourself in Him today.

That word delight, actually means to make yourself soft and pliable. It paints the picture of God as the Potter and you as the clay. Allow God to mold and shape your character today. Allow Him to direct your plans and ideas. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy today, and as you submit your ways to the Lord and open your heart to His leading, He will fulfill those secret dreams of your heart on His time !

*.-``*:-Just Like The Deep Waters *.-``*:-

The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.” (Proverbs 20:5 ).

Did you know that you are equipped with everything you need to fulfill your passion and purpose in this life ? Everything you need is on the inside of you ~ like deep waters. You draw those deep things out when you stay open and humble before the Lord. You draw those things out when you are submitted to His Word. That’s what makes you a person of understanding.

You are a person of understanding when you draw on the strength of God inside of you. Proverbs also tells us that a person of understanding delights in wisdom. A person of understanding is even-tempered. A person of understanding is not easily led astray and maintains peace and order.

Don’t just live on the surface of life today. Draw from the resources that God has placed on the inside of you. As you keep your heart open by obeying the Word of God, His purposes will become clearer, and you will live in the abundant beautiful life God has in store for you !

Word of God referenced:

Proverbs 10:23 ~ “It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.”

Proverbs 15:21 ~ “Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walketh uprightly.”

Proverbs 17:27 ~ “He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.”

Proverbs 28:2 ~ “For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.”


*.-``*:-He Prepares Your Path but You Set The Limits *.-``*:-

“I will go before you and make the crooked places straight…” (Isaiah 45:2)

Do you ever feel like every time you try to move forward in something, you hit a roadblock ? Something happens that throws you off course. I’m telling you to be encouraged today because right now in your life, God is going before you. He’s preparing a way. He’s making your crooked places straight. He’s making your rough places smooth.

You may be going through a difficult time right now, but it’s not the end. It’s only the beginning. God has equipped you for this journey. You may feel like you’re in a dry season, but don’t look at your circumstances. Look at the promise of God today !

If you’ll keep speaking words of faith, God promises that He’ll anoint your head with oil and your cup will run over. That means you’ll be refreshed and anointed to do what He’s called you to do. God is preparing your path and equipping you for the journey.

What do you need today to keep moving forward ? Start by checking your attitude. Don’t go around complaining and focused on the negative side of things. Put on an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. Thank Him for making your crooked places straight ! As you do, you’ll move forward in joy and gladness in the blessed future He has prepared for you !

You Set the Limits - “What if they don’t believe ? Will their lack of faith make the faith of God no effect ? ” (Romans 3:3)

We know that there will always be critics and naysayers in life. It’s not what’s said about you that affects your life, but what you say and believe about yourself. Has the opinions of other people caused you to water down your dreams ? One of the most important things you can learn is that other people don’t have to believe in you in order for your dreams to come to pass. Other people don’t set the limits for your life ~ you do.

In Romans 3:3, the Apostle Paul is saying, “It doesn’t matter if other people don’t believe. Their unbelief is not going to keep me from believing in my dreams.” When God puts a promise in your heart, it’s not up to other people to bring it to pass, it’s up to you !

You don’t need everyone to validate you. You have to follow the voice of God for yourself and allow Him to order your steps. God sees the hidden treasures that you’ve had buried on the inside of you. He wants to bring those treasures out and make your dreams reality ! We have to make an effort to renew our mind and get rid of old, defeated thoughts and replace them with what God says about you. Once you take this step you will remove the limits and live that which God has in store for you !

You set the limits on the path He has prepared for YOU !!!!

•¤**¤Get In The Spirit And Dream !•¤**¤

If you don’t already have an assigned place in your home where you can be alone with God, and no one can interrupt you, I urge to do so. Find a quiet place like your bedroom, your living room or the backyard, and if there is too much traffic around in your home, then lock your self inside a closet with a radio, put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door, turn on the praise music and tune the outside world out ..........Because sometimes you have to get away to pray in the spirit, worship, truly focus on Him and listen. Then, through the Holy Spirit, we can see and hear God's desires more clearly. God's desires become our desires when we are walking closely with Him.

Sometimes, we expect a loud voice to speak directly to us from Heaven.... Or perhaps we really are waiting for a vision, a dream, or something. Believe it or not, God will give them to us ! When we are in intimacy with God and seeking Him, the desires we begin to feel, and the words we hear, are God given ! That is what our father does.

He will begin to whisper and birth desires in our spirit. Sometimes we think we came up with the idea, but it was from Him ! And, when He provides the idea, all we have to do is ask ! As you know the Bible says you have not because you ask not.

There are many spiritual principals listed all throughout the scriptures, from the Old Testament to New, regarding speaking out loud in faith. If God were to ask you today, "What do you want from me ?.... "what would you tell him ?

Remember that God makes the largest, most outrageous things come to pass. When you receive a revelation from Him, you need to write it down, believe through faith what God has told you, and go after it - no matter how outrageous it may seem. He has amazing plans for each and everyone one of us.

Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Then the LORD answered me and said, 'Record the vision and inscribe it on talents, that the one who read it may run."..... Do you see how powerful that instruction is ? To write it down then RUN. ....Part of running is to keep going, even when you face obstacles....and there will be obstacles believe me....But don't let one, ten, a hundred or anything keep you from running after your destiny.

Genesis 18:14 says, "there is nothing too hard for the Lord! When God told Abraham he would have a child with his wife, Sara, he laughed." Genesis 17:17 says, "Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, shall a child be born to man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear a child?" Romans 4:3 says "God credited Abraham's unwavering faith as righteousness."

That is the type of God we serve - a God who wants to make the desires and dreams in our hearts come true. We need to dream big !.......Try to remember that when you become intimate with the Lord, you must : Listen for His voice ~~~Act upon His leading~~Don't let obstacles stop you.

God is faithful ~ dream and believe with faith !


PART 1: NOT ~ An Earthly Time Plan

Lord, You are an infinite God without end or beginning. Not only are you aware of all I have ever been or experienced, you are aware of all there is to come. In fact, You have already been there and know me…know all I have experienced from moment to moment. You have experienced my life in an intimate way even to the numbering of the hairs on my head. Every detail of my life is important and valuable to You.

Though I am constrained in my thinking as it relates to time, You are not. The greatest hindrance to not living a life outside the constraints of time is to see it limited and unyielding…to see time as having no potential outside of the moment. To do so eliminates all consequences and blessings resulting out of time based actions on my part. Time is eternal and I must see it as such. What I do in time affects the times to come; therefore, it has eternal consequences both good and bad in my life.

I choose today to see outside this earthly time. I ask that you teach me to see beyond the moment into a realm where there is no time so I can put more value on what I do at any given time. Teach me to see everything I do with eternal eyes. As I do this, what I participate in or don’t participate in will change in order to bring about the most effective change in my life. Therefore, by changing my way of thinking and relying only on you Lord, and not being constraint by time the conclusion is, that You have the perfect plan for my life no matter my years in this present time.

PART 2: Words in Time

Lord, the experiences, struggles and circumstances of life have no bearing on Your goodness. Bad things in life do not determine Your goodness. Plain and simple, You are good and truthful at all times regardless. I cannot look at things around me as a barometer of who You are. To do so would limit You to a level of being subject to the actions of men accomplished in finite time.

There is no deception in Your heart for You are Truth. All the Words You have ever spoken have been in Your heart before all time and now are being revealed through the present age and the ages to come. Not one will fall to the ground nor will they come back to you without accomplishing the purpose for which they were sent, specially in my life.

Lord, I declare myself to be a keeper of every Word You have given to me. I promise that none will fall into uninhabited wilderness places, with faith I hold on to the promises. Every Word falls into the good soil of my heart to bring forth eternal purposes in supernatural ways. Father, I thank you for speaking those Words to my life for this time.

PART 3: The Promises in the Word for My Life

Today, I declare the desires of the Lord for my life shall unfold step by step as His light fills my path and gives me direction. The thoughts of the Lord’s heart for me are available and accessible at all times and I am one who puts my ear to His heart that I might know them. Every Word proceeding from Him to me has the power to transform my life and heart if I choose to embrace each one with faith. The ravages of time in my own life, the lives of those I love and those sent to me can and will be changed by the release of an eternal redemptive Word from the Lord. As a result my generations can and will be transformed.

The Lord has consecrated me and set me apart for His good pleasure, not according to my works but according to the redemptive work of the Cross. Therefore, no matter how much time has sifted through my hands, the grace, mercy and call of God on my life will have its way as I surrender my heart. One by one the dominos will fall and I will obtain the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. As a result, blessings will flow down through the ages in many profitable and redeeming ways.

Today and every day after the Lord has called me to speak no evil, hear no evil and see no evil. He has called me to speak the Word, hear the Word and see the Word come to pass. I am chosen and I will walk with eternal perspective displaying the glory of the Lord for ages to come. I will walk in faith renewing my mind to accept and believe that which He has establish before the beginning of time for my life. In Jesus mighty name I declare it is written!

PART 4: Eternal ~Timeless Revelation

Lord, Your great love which loved me even while I was at my very worst…while I was a sinner without any desire for me amazes me…cradles me and calls me to higher ground. Your love calls me to a place of complete acceptance in the Beloved where no condemnation, guilt or shame can live. .....Knowing how much you were aware of all my faults, failings and outright rebellion yet loved me, sets my heart ablaze with gratitude and thanksgiving. To know Your great unconditional love, sets my heart on a course to live outside the limits and confines of time with realization of eternal results.

Therefore, I declare myself as one who lives in the goodness, mercy, grace, love and hope of God at all times. I live and move within the beating of the Lord’s heart to accomplish His will on a day by day, moment by moment basis. The plans and desires of the Lord’s heart for me are too numerous to be counted and it will take all of eternity to fulfill them in any measure........... His thoughts toward me are more than every grain of sand and the sands of time cannot displace one thought or one plan, for I am seated in heavenly places with Him far above all things natural. The temporal things of my life are giving way and will give way to the eternal things of His Word and His heart.

I declare a renewing of my mind and I align my mind with the mind of Christ so I may understand the things of eternity. I know that my natural life on this earth is but for a moment and will give way in the blink of an eye when I step into the realm of His eternal timeless glory. All that is of Him in me will continue on to experience and do more eternal things.

The ages past and the ages to come are all permeated with Him and are pregnant with purpose at all times. I am right now this very moment receiving revelation, truth, wisdom and understanding for the moment and for the ages to come from Him. I am an eternal timeless one created in the image of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am in heavenly places far above the tediousness of life and I embrace my position with a fully surrendered heart.

I am timeless in Him!

♥▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◊Word of God◊▬▬▬▬▬▬▬♥

Mathew 13:11 ~ Jesus answered them, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted."

Jeremiah 29:11 ~For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Way of the Master Minute - Titanic Survivor

Titanic Survivor
If you are a Christian, see yourself as a survivor of the Titanic. All around you, people are sinking into the freezing waters of death. There's room in the lifeboat. What are you going to do? You must make every effort to save them. Nothing is more important. Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, said, "The salvation of one soul is of infinitely greater importance than preserving the lives of multitudes. Let us in our several stations keep these things in mind, sparing no pains in God's service, and the event will prove that our labor is not in vain in the Lord. For six thousand years, He has been multiplying pardons, and yet His free grace is not tired nor grown weary. Certainly Divine mercy is an ocean that is ever full and ever flowing." There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.

Amazing Coincidence

In 1898, 14 years before the Titanic made her maiden voyage, Morgan Robertson published his book, Futility or the Wreck of the Titan. This was the story of an "unsinkable" massive ocean liner, which like the Titanic, was on its maiden voyage from Britain to New York in the month of April, with 2,000 people on board. While it was also attempting to cross the Atlantic in record time, it too struck an iceberg and sank. Not only were the ships' names very similar, but most on board also perished simply because there was of a lack of lifeboats.

But most remarkable of all, the story of the Titanic has incredibly close parallels to the biblical plan of salvation. Just as the great pleasure ship struck an iceberg and sank, this great world—with all its inhabitants, is slowly sinking into the cold grip of death. As with the passengers of the Titanic, only those who believed that they were in impending danger looked to the lifeboats, so only those who believe that they are in mortal danger will look to the Lifeboat of the Savior, Jesus Christ. The great "iceberg," which will take the world to an icy grave is the Moral Law—the Ten Commandments.
Here is the evidence that we are sinking: Jesus said that if we look with lust, we commit adultery in our heart. No one who has had sex out of marriage, or any liar, or any thief will enter Heaven. The Bible says that if we hate someone, we are guilty of murder. We fail to put God first. We make a god in our image. We break all the Commandments. If we stay with the "ship," we will perish on the Day of Judgment, when all of our sins come out as evidence of our guilt. God, however, is rich in mercy and doesn't want anyone to go the Hell. He made a way for us to be saved. Jesus Christ, the One whom the Bible calls the "Captain of our salvation" gave His life so that we could have a place in the life boat. He took our punishment upon Himself—suffering on the cross for us. We broke God's Law, but He paid our fine. Then He rose from the dead, defeating death. The moment we repent and trust in Him alone for our eternal salvation, God will forgive us and grant us the gift of eternal life.
Don't hesitate. You may leave it too late! It was reported that some of the lifeboats that left the ship early were only half full. This was because many on board refused to believe that the —unsinkable— Titanic was sinking. They perished because their faith was misguided. Don't be like them. Believe the gospel. Repent and trust Jesus Christ today, read the Bible daily, obey what you read, and God will never let you down.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Romans 8

Good morning everyone! It's a wonderful morning here in Irvine! We didn't make it to church this morning cause my friend's husband is sick, so I thought I would just have my own little worship time, since I'm up anyway (and roommate back home woke me up at 7am). :-) The reading was powerful: Romans 8.  And of course verses 38 & 39 got me singing: "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

Prayer for today: "Dear Lord, give me the strength to be weak so I can release anything that prevents me from seeing how deeply You love me. Open the eyes of my heart so You can reach me wherever I may be, to take me wherever I need to go. Remind me that it's only when I rest in Your promises that I can wage war to defeat the enemy. Thank You, Lord, for never giving up on me. In Jesus' Name, Amen."  

"Open the eyes of my heart Lord, open the eyes of my heart, I want to see You, I want to see You." :-)